ORacle ERRor ORA-27101

This post is for the oracle users.... 

All these days my oracle was working fine... but suddenly today when i tried to connect to my database through JSP, it wasnt connecting.. What to do?? 
I then went to my sql command line then tried to  connect to my database but then an error poped out, saying,

ORA- 01034 : ORACLE not available 
ORA-27101 : shared memory realm does not exist

What to do...? Reinstall oracle!!.. but all my data will be gone...

Then started searching for the help... obvious through google... but in vain.. 
My suggestions were there, some said to log in through the oraDBA which was successful but it did not have the tables that i previusly created.
Some asked me to run some commands at the command line.. but no use..nothing helped...
In the end i tried few weird things... and finally got clicked with this one..
The solution to this problem is you need to restart the oracle service..and not
Restarting your system... 

you need to go the control panel->Administrative Tools->Services

doubleclick the services a window will pop up.. In that go to OracleServiceOracle

Just stop the OracleServiceORACLE and then start it again..
Do the similar stopping and restarting to the other services such as OracleServiceORCL, OracleServiceXE, OracleStartORCL, OracleTNSlistner 80...

You are just restarting your oracle services and nothing else..

This should work for Oracle 9i and Oracle 10g working under windows XP ..

Hope this helps you to solve your problem!!! :-)


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