Mount ISO images without burning..:)

Some times you want to use iSO images without burning them.If you don’t want to waste your CD’s/DVD’s here is the simple possible solutions using these tips you can mount and unmount ISO images without burning them.

I know two possible solutions

1) Using Nautilus Scripts

2) Using kernel loop module

Now we will see each one in detailed

Using Nautilus Scripts

I am taking this tip from first you need to download two scripts for mount iso images download from and to unmount iso images download from

Once you have these two scripts you need to change the permissions using the following commands

sudo chmod +x /home/username/

sudo chmod +x /home/username/

Now you need to copy them nautilus scripts

sudo mv /home/username/ ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/

sudo mv /home/username/ ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/

That’s it now you are ready for mounting and unmounting your ISO images.


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